Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

Neu bei....

Azur - joyful season @

joyful season by azur scrap @

Azur - clean and simple @

Clean and simple by azur scrap
tp by poms breathing room

Azur - dark night @

darknight by azur scrap @
pix by blinky
lifted from LynnZant

scrapofangel - Stop the time for you

stop the time for you by scrapofangel @

Rena Design - Stories @ DMS

Stories by rena design @ DMS

sweetdigi - douche romance @ DMS

WA by choukette

November Freebie @ DMS

pic by leandi

zu haben ist der zweite teil des kits momentan hier

Und jeden Dienstag folgt der nächste teil

Lilibule - in the eyes of emily @ STB

pic by mamamaike

Pic by Jini
wa by sweetdigi

In the eyes of emily by lilibule @ STB

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